Santiago is a city crowded and it is growing more each day, we can find a mix of beautiful buildings dating from colonial times to large and modern buildings of today.I think the places you should visit are:

The first, The Parque Metropolitano de Santiago, is the largest urban park in Chile and one of the largest in the world. For tourists is an ideal place to get an overview the city of Santiago. We can find beautiful green areas, play outdoor sports like hiking, biking, yoga. Addition is located on San Cristobal hill, which has a monument of the Virgin Mary, we also find the swimming pool and Tupahue Antilles and the National Zoo, the park entrance is very cheap and you can find deals.

Another place of Santiago that I recommend visiting is the Plaza de Armas and its environs, is considered the historical center of the capital of our country was founded jointly with the city of Santiago, in the environment originated we can find the main administrative buildings of the time. Now we can appreciate their environment the Cathedral of Santiago, which has a very beautiful architecture, the Municipality of Santiago, Correos de Chile and the National History Museum, these are buildings that were built in colonial times for other purposes, but today retain their original architecture intact.

Thirdly we should visit the house of our national poet and Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda called "the Chascona", which was declared a national monument . The house has a significant amount of books, paintings and other objects gathered throughout his life.

Another place is the Central Market, considered one of the most beautiful buildings of the era. Our country is characterized by offering a variety of tasty seafood. In this place people can enjoy a variety of restaurants which offer delicious and varied seafood dishes.

Also, our country is also famous for its wines, which is why to learn more about the history of wine in our country, I recommend visiting the Vineyard Cousino Macul, which is dedicated to the production and export of wine in this visit your may access to a journey through the beautiful vineyard, also tastings of various wines that are produced there.

3 de Octubre del 2009

1 comentarios:

Peace dijo...

oh you recommend very good places that I don't know yet ^^
I think I'm going to take a walk there :)

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